Event2014 CBA learning event Organizers

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Community Based Adaptation and Resilience inEast and Southern Africa’s Drylands A Learning Event for practitioners, researchers and policy makers Organizers page Download the conference announcement

1-4 September 2014 Lalibela Auditorium, ILRI Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

The impacts of climate change are threatening the livelihoods of already vulnerable pastoralist, agro pastoralist and farming communities in East and Southern African drylands. In order to meet the scale and magnitude of these challenges, where extreme events and recurrent drought will be ongoing features, actors in development, adaptation, disaster risk management, social protection and humanitarian action are recognizing the need to focus on achieving resilient outcomes. Community based adaptation (CBA) to climate change is providing valuable practical approaches and evidence of use for drylands related programmes and policy decisions.

Aim of the learning event Bringing together stakeholders from a diverse range of disciplines working with dryland communities across East and Southern Africa, the aim of the event is to facilitate learning from experiences and evidence on climate change adaptation, in particular CBA, and resilience. Participants will co-generate new insights on the links between CBA and achieving resilient development.

The conference will explore:

  1. What is the added value that CBA practical experience brings to achieving resilience in dryland communities?
  2. How are climate change and related responses exacerbating the entrenched drivers of differential vulnerability among communities living in drylands? What are the barriers and drivers to change?
  3. What would an integrated and coherent approach to achieving resilience in vulnerable dryland communities look like?

CARE Ethiopia will host the event together with CARE’s Adaptation Learning Programme (ALP), the CGIAR Climate Change Agriculture and Food Security programme (CCAFS) and the International Centre for Insect Physiology and Ecology (ICIPE).

Target audience: Practitioners working with drylands issues (government, non-government and donors) and researchers, who have knowledge and experiences to share on adaptation and resilience in drylands. Policy makers concerned with East and Southern African drylands are also welcome to register.

Participation will be dependent on the relevance of information shared in the registration form.

Location: ILRI campus, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia Date: 1st to 4th September 2014 Download the full concept note

Register: download the registration form here and email to Sylvia Miyumo to register your interest to participate: [alp@careclimatechange.org]

Deadline for registration: 10th June at midnight (GMT + 3)

Detailed agenda:

Expected outputs and outcomes:

  • Better understanding of the links between climate change adaptation and resilience in drylands with good practices, success factors, challenges and key lessons identified and analyzed to inform future actions and policy.
  • Participants strengthen their networks, coordination and ability to engage with resilience in their area of work.
  • A communiqué collectively produced by participants to share emerging recommendations for improved practice, policy and to inform decisions on adaptation finance and resilience programming in the region’s drylands.


Monday 1 September Setting the scene, understanding the context, and issues (Learning objective: Identifying vision of integrated CBA and resilience, challenges, barriers, gaps, critical questions).

  • 09.00 Unofficial welcome and introductions

Process: * Welcome by facilitator, * introduction of the objectives and the program. * Then participant introductions: ' clustering by thematic group (for the first and forelast time), coming up with a slogan for their group, ' Indian bus tour to collect participants and get to know each other, ' finally speed dating to get to know other people they haven't met yet. * Then introduction from Fiona/Jasper...

  • 10.00 Playground and wall: approaching the issues we are grappling with

(10') Short introduction (presentation) about the overall content objectives of the learning event and setting the scene about resilience etc. - setting boundaries for the event ('what it will not cover') (20') Presentation Jasper... (15') Q&A Mapping key issues * Around tables, groups do the following, with coffee break in the middle: * (20') Draw a rich picture of community-based adaptation and resilience and how climate change and other stresses are changing that 'big picture'. In the rich picture, they may bring about related fields (DRR, climate info etc.) provided that they keep focusing on the (integrated) big picture rather than their individual silos. Thus, in doing this, they discuss synergies and differences between e.g. community based approaches to adaptation, DRR, natural resource management, development planning and more + add post-its to their rich picture... Focusing on where they overlap and come together. (10') Then introducing the idea of the knowledge wall and inviting volunteers to take care of thematic sections of that wall (in addition to some pre-selected / identified people). (15') (starting as one whole group again) what key messages and insights from our experiences (and recent related events) do we really want to build upon here? * Do a 1-2-4-all exercise on these key ideas and synthesise key insights onto the knowledge wall on post-it notes. * Alternatively, what 'open doors' might we want to avoid if we don't have insights to share?

  • 11.30 Coffee break
  • 12.00 Official welcome and introductions with CARE/ALP, CCAFS, ICIPE, UNECA, USAID...

Formal session with * 1. Garth Van Hul, Country Director, CARE Ethiopia (sits to right of USAID) * 2. Fiona Percy, Adaptation Learning Programme (ALP) Regional Coordinator, CARE International (sits to left of Maren/CCAFS) * 3. Maren Radeny, CCAFS East Africa Science Officer, ILRI (sits to left of Wilfran, ACPC/UNECA) * 4. Shifa Ballo, Country Director Ethiopia, ICIPE (sits to right of Garth) * 5. Wilfran Moufouma, Climate Science Expert, African Climate Policy Centre, UNECA, Ethiopia (sits to left of guest of honour) * 6. Dennis Weller, Mission Director, USAID Ethiopia (sits to right of guest of honour) * 7. Ato Berhanu, Director, State of Environment, Assessment and Reporting Directorate, Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Ethiopia (guest of honour, seated at centre).

  • 13.00 Lunch break
  • 14.15 World cafe on three - four different key questions brushed by the plenary key note

Questions to develop and people to reform groups at each round (i.e. all tables addressing the same question for every round)...

  • 15.30 Coffee break
  • 16.00 Group reports from world cafe + 1-2-4-all buzz groups to identify key ideas and reporting them back on the wall
  • 16.30 Introducing the marketplace idea and set up
  • 17.00 Close
  • 18.00 Cocktails

Tuesday 2 September Sharing and learning through practical tools and approaches (Learning objective: Identifying success factors and challenges + good practices in relation to specific thematic areas?)

  • 08.45 Video / recap
  • 09.15 Plenary keynote:
    1. Climate information - a new resource for adaptation, risk reduction, early warning and resilience? (John Gavegna)
    2. The future of pastoralism in an uncertain climate (Adrian Cullis)
    3. How the most vulnerable can realise resilient and equitable livelihoods in an uncertain climate? (Emma Bua)

* + Q&A...

  • 10.00 Coffee break
  • 10.30 Group work: Collecting clues about key topics: Collecting clues about these key topics: what are the issues and challenges, sharing good practices and success factors in addressing them, barriers and drivers to change and the link between climate change adaptation and broader development and resilience issues.

* Maureen on 1 * Adrian/Fiona/sb else on 2? * Agnes on 3 to develop ideas for group sessions. Dividing participants in groups (according to their interest) and doing a knowledge expedition to collect clues about * a) what the key issues and challenges are we facing here - see question 2 from CN * b) what are good practices and principles we should be looking at and thinking about to address these issues and challenges? (what can we build our work upon) * c) how this connects with a wider agenda and with other areas in this big picture of community-based adaptation and resilience? * Possibly do a 'What - so what - now what' exercise OR OTHER CONTENT / QUESTIONS TO DISCUSS TOGETHER...

  • 12.30 Lunch break
  • 13.30 Official launch of the Market Place of methods and tools (including coffee break)
  • 16.30 Reporting back key group work insights from the morning onto the knowledge wall

Directly on the wall and from collective inspection: what do we want to work on with our collective approach?

  • (Optional) Hard talk: where methods and tools are not enough... (interview of one or two guests by a difficult/critical interviewer) [TO DISCUSS NEXT TIME]

Possibly Lindsey Jones to do this but needs guidance...

  • 17.00 Close

Wednesday 3 September 'U nderstanding synergies, complementarities, added value of CBA for resilience ' (Learning objective: Based on understanding of synergies, complementarities, added value of CBA for resilience, consensus critical issues, Reality check on alignment with existing current policy, finance, programmes)

  • 09.00: Video / recap [TO DISCUSS]
  • 09.15 Plenary keynote: dialogue a la Fish Bowl between 4-5 key people on finding synergies between tools and topics - possibly mixed with a hard talk that questions each of the fields/disciplines represented and challenges them to work together on this.
  • 10.00 Coffee break
  • 10.30 Group work: Making sure that all emerging topics from the knowledge wall are addressed, in groups via a knowledge expedition (preceded by an OST-like marketplace of wall topics). possibly link between practical development and policy/finance - this will be agreed upon on the spot, based on the previous 2 days' work
  • 12.30 Lunch break // (knowledge pic-nic)
  • 14.30 Presenting back some results from the group work

Done as a gallery run (Flipchart summary covering take-aways for the wall + hard copy for full details) And with critical commentary from a panel representing policy circles, donors, political economy, finance etc.)

  • 15.30 Coffee break
  • 16.00 Presenting back group work results and critical reality check (continued)
  • 16.30 Hard talk: When integration doesn't just happen overnight with prayers and a candle... [TO DISCUSS]
  • 17.00 Close
  • 19.00 Dinner

Thursday 4 September Reflections and consolidation (Learning objective: Recommendations for policy and practice Coming to a consensus Key actions for way forward, new partnerships)

  • 09.00 Video / recap [TO DISCUSS]
  • 09.15 Plenary keynote: Commentary on the wall (live or with e.g. a prezi) urging on insights and actions
  • 10.00 Open Space Technology (OST): coming to commitments

With some prompted topics about specific sections of the communiqué (or the whole thing) and other important bits that the team here wants to achieve... e.g. what outputs to produce from this event? With a template for what to document and report about And each other topic (i.e. not focusing on the communiqué) to identify key insights to share in the communiqué and to indicate commitment from anyone to work on the communiqué...

  • 10.30 Open Space continued and coffee break over Open Space
  • 12.30 Lunch break
  • 14.00 Open run around the OST results / key insights and commitments
  • 14.30 Hard talk: getting to a communiqué that makes a difference

Done via ritual dissent

  • 14.45 Recap, next steps and closing statements + participant evaluations
  • 15.45 Close (F. Percy, J. Kinyangi/M. Radeny)

Background materials Concept note for the event: ESA ESA CBA and resilience learning event concept note_v 1.docx
