Toolkit - sharing your work

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Previous section: What to do with the evidence Back to Framework & Toolkit home CCSL Framework and Toolkit Communicating results and incorporating lessons learned

This section provides guidance on uptake and engagement with results. Like monitoring and evaluation, a communication strategy and communication tools can be useful in facilitating looped learning. Below are examples of knowledge products that can help you to share your learning throughout your social learning journey. Scale and audience are two important factors to consider in this process. Depending on whether you wish to communicate with project stakeholders, institutions, or a more general audience, you may have different communication needs.

This section also provides a calendar of upcoming social learning-related events at which you can share your work, as well as a list of past events with links to resources that were shared at those events.

1. Examples of knowledge products, services and approaches

The sharing of knowledge created through a social learning approach should maintain the principles of social learning. This means that knowledge is accessible, open to comment and critique, and includes more informal and conversational styles alongside more formal and linear approaches. To be accessible to diverse audiences with different information capabilities and assets two or three channels of communication are usually necessary (e.g. radio, social media and print). To be open to comment and critique the chosen multiple channels should be linked and exploit opportunities for two way communication (e.g. radio phone in, social media discussion, and print postal feedback forms). More informal and conversational communication styles could involve more use of photos and drawings, audio and video interviews, stories and personal viewpoints.

Though participatory communication methods do not necessarily equate to social learning on their own, the feedback and learning that they can facilitate can then be incorporated into the next iteration, a step in the right direction. This iteration, which is so crucial to genuine social learning, should take place during a project and not just at the end of one.

Channel Example
Papers and other published materials learning briefs] and ['6| brochures]
Videos whiteboard video] by CGIAR, "Transformative partnerships for a food secure world"
Radio listening clubs Panos Institute Southern Africa Radio Listening Clubs]
TV programs Shamba Shape Up]
Podcasts Development Drums]
Events see Analyzing the Evidence for a list of social learning events
Webinars Disaster risk reduction – can public and private come together]? - ODI/CDKN webinar
Social media CCAFS Twitter]
Networks / Communities of Practice see Getting it Right

#GATHERING EVIDENCE--2. Examples and case studies of M&E documentation2. Calendar of social learning events

Events can function as forums to share learning gained from your own experience of using social learning, gather feedback and hear about others' experiences, enabling you to compare experiences across other cases. Below, upcoming and past events are listed. Links for the past events provide access to examples of how such learning events have been structured and documented, and of their outcomes. We aim to update the following calendar of events quarterly. If you would like to add an event, please contact either Pete Cranston ( or Carl Jackson (

Upcoming Events

Date Location Name of Event
14 July 2014 Hyderabad, India Communication for Sustainable Rural Development and Social Change]
June 2014 TBA CCSL case study sense making and analysis workshop
2014 Adaptation Learning Programme (ALP) - 2014 Pan-African Adaptation Learning Forum

Past Events

Date Location Name of Event
7 March 2014 Nairobi, Kenya CARIAA Program Launch (IDRC)
19-20 December 2013 London, UK CCSL Core Team Meeting
3 December 2013
at 1 PM GMT
Online CCSL Webinar on the CCSL Framework and Toolkit hosted by IIED
4-8 November 2013 Kigali, Rwanda ICT4Ag conference]
19-23 September 2013 Cochrane Collaboration’s Annual Colloquium]. Health care – has excellent user groups.
Dipex database for patients’ experiences. Theme this year is “better knowledge for better health”.
25-27 June 2013 Naivasha, Kenya CCSL plan-and-writeshop
8 June 2013 London, UK G8+ Food and Nutrition Summit
25-31 May 2013 Nairobi, Kenya International Workshop on Agricultural Innovation Systems in Africa (AISA), as part of the
Week on Agricultural Innovation Systems in Africa (JOLISAA, Prolinnova, CCAFS, FSIFS)
21-23 May 2013 Chicago, USA Campbell Collaboration’s Annual Colloquium]. The Colloquium will bring together leading
researchers in the field of systematic reviews and policymakers from across the world to
address crucial questions relating to the methodology and use of systematic reviews.
18-19 March 2013 Bodega Bay (CA), USA CCAFS Science meeting
5-6 March 2013 Brighton, UK ' Acting on what we know and how we learn for climate and development policy'
4 March 2013 London, UK ' Supporting local decision making for climate change, agriculture and food security:
A meeting for CCAFS donors, partners and interested individuals'. (IIED, CCAFS)
November 2012 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia CGIAR social learning stocktaking workshop (CCAFS, ILRI)
May 2012 Addis Ababa, Ethiopia May 2012 CCSL (foundational) workshop (CCAFS, ILRI)

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